In recent years, Scholastic has purchased Arrow, Lucky, SeeSaw and Tab; you may recognize these companies' names from when you were younger! We are spacing the delivery of Scholastic books with the distribution of the newest flier.
We will be sending home the newest flier next Tuesday, January 21. The completed paper order and payment need to be returned to Ms. Shar, Ms. Jo or your scholar's literacy teacher by Friday, January 24. Checks, made payable to Scholastic, are preferred although cash is okay too. If you prefer doing business online whereby you may use your debit or credit card, please go to: The Academy's code is MF4FL. Storia is Scholastic's e-Book line. With the download of their application, your scholar receives five free books! Your sales benefit the Academy's Library as well as individual teacher classrooms. Thank you for your support!
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May 2017
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