School Directory
The Honors Academy of Literature has an online directory! This is a great way to stay in touch with families, scholars, and faculty within our school community.
Once you log in, under "Search the Directory", you can search by family, scholar, or faculty. If you click the red stars next to any listing, it will be added to your Favorites, which can be accessed directly under "View Favorites". There are various print options under "Print". Under "My Account", you can change your family's information and update your preferences on what to show in the directories as well as change your password whenever you need to do so. Finally, there is a "Contact Us" link for any questions you may have about the content of the directory.
This directory was created for the purpose of community building at The Honors Academy of Literature. Please enjoy this valuable addition to our school and use the information kindly and privately. We do not share your information with third parties, so let's do the same for each other. Thank you!
New families link - enter your information here to be included in the directory, get access to search for others in the directory, and to receive the Friday e-Newsletters
Please keep your contact information updated in the directory. This will be used to send the Friday e-Newsletter and class-specific announcements. To update your email address, please contact us at [email protected].
This directory was created for the purpose of community building at The Honors Academy of Literature. Please enjoy this valuable addition to our school and use the information kindly and privately. We do not share your information with third parties, so let's do the same for each other. Thank you!
New families link - enter your information here to be included in the directory, get access to search for others in the directory, and to receive the Friday e-Newsletters
Please keep your contact information updated in the directory. This will be used to send the Friday e-Newsletter and class-specific announcements. To update your email address, please contact us at [email protected].