I am excited and encouraged about the impact we are making on education every day when I visit the classroom and see scholars engaged in authentic learning experiences. The idea for this school was generated through conversations between my co-director and myself about what an ideal school would look like. I am so pleased that we have been able to create our dream school, grounded in research and driven by improving practice.
Some of the reasons our school is brilliant:
The full experience. Our talented faculty offers an expansive and challenging program in the arts, sciences, and humanities. Our scholars are encouraged to be scientists, artists, mathematicians, and writers, and are provided opportunities to explore their passions.
Each child is celebrated. In the morning, scholars are immediately greeted by name. Each child is understood as an individual with unique gifts and talents. Success is measured one child at a time.
Joyful community. A sense of humor and boundless curiosity comfortably thrive amidst a challenging, academic program. Whether it is working together to plan a community service project, or students applauding group presentations, our students grow and flourish in an environment that allows children to be children.
I hope you take the time to come and visit our school and learn more about our program. I am confident that this is a great place for teachers to teach or scholars to learn.